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We were delighted to work with the Heartfulness Institute to create the 'Hearbot' app, a heartfulness and mental wellness tools, as part of the Institute's Heartfulness School Program. The app was developed 2017-2018 and was launched in 2018. (17).png


Are you stressed? Do you need a break? Try HeartBot. Several tools at your fingertips with Heartbot. Relax and enjoy listening to personalized guided audios that bring peace and calmness into your life.

Featured Tools:

- Relax

- Meditate

- Unwind

- Reflect

- Breathe

- Affirm

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The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the app HeartBot on stress and emotional wellness in participants 14 years and older. The study will start in October.
Here are the requirements for participating in this study:
1. You must be 14 years or older
2. You must have an iOS device that can download my app, "HeartBot: A Heartful Way" from the App Store
3. Participants will spend 30 minutes every day for 21 days on HeartBot during the 21-day challenge
All participants who complete the requirements of the study will be entered in a raffle to win one of ten $50 gift cards.

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